If you have already registered for a Crowdhelix account, you can access it at any time via the 🔑 platform login page

<aside> ⚠️ If you do not already have a Crowdhelix account, you will need to register for one first. You can do this by following the previous section in this Guide, 🖊  Register for Crowdhelix.


Step by step

Option 1: Log in with Google


If you have already linked your Google account to your Crowdhelix account in your 🔗  Connection Settings, you can use it to log in to Crowdhelix by clicking Log in with Google and completing the Google login prompt on the next page.

Option 2: Log in with ORCID


If you have already linked your ORCID iD to your Crowdhelix account in your 🔗  Connection Settings, you can use it to log in to Crowdhelix by clicking Log in with ORCID and completing the ORCID login prompt on the next page.


If you have not yet linked your ORCID iD to your Crowdhelix account, you will be prompted to do this before you log in to Crowdhelix.

Option 3: Log in with your email address and password


You can also log in to the Crowdhelix platform by entering the email address and password you provided when you registered for your account and clicking Log in. You can also click Remember me to reduce the number of times that the platform will require you to login.

If you have forgotten your password you can click I forgot my password to receive an email with a link allowing you to reset it. If you are still unable to log in, or you have not received the email with the password reset link, please 👥  contact the team for help by clicking the Support button at the bottom right of the page.

Next step: Set up your account

If this is the first time you have logged in to Crowdhelix, you will be taken through a series of steps where you can set up your expert profile and your account preferences.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d779b76a-40fa-4599-91bd-cd42b5d1ce8c/768px-ORCID_iD.svg.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d779b76a-40fa-4599-91bd-cd42b5d1ce8c/768px-ORCID_iD.svg.png" width="40px" /> Next section: Connect your ORCID iD
